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Monday, May 9, 2011

Checklist for safe driving

The basic rules of safe driving are taught during the course of conduct. For those of us who have followed their progress for a long time, some of these rules may have been forgotten, or be neglected from time to time. Yet if all motorists adopting safer driving at all times, share the road would be more enjoyable for everyone, and the number of accidents involving automobiles could be dramatically reduced. Here is a list of some safe driving rules to keep in mind during your travels.

Seatbelt safety: This is a simple practice that everyone should apply before starting their vehicle. Yet many drivers still fail to fasten their seatbelts. In terms of babies and young children, make sure you install them properly in their car seat or booster seat. If necessary, refer to manufacturer's instructions to make sure you make a good use of the seat and is securely installed.

Look up and away: Do not put your eyes on the road immediately in front of your vehicle. Look up and ahead. By expanding your field of vision, this will allow you to see upcoming obstacles in advance. You'll be better able to avoid them.

Report its maneuvers: It is important to note your maneuvers so that other motorists can better anticipate and adapt to your actions. Even when you are on a road less traveled, do not forget to use your turn signals.

Check your blind spot: Look in your regular side mirrors is not enough. Before making a turn or overflow, pamper yourself back to verify that no pedestrian or vehicle is not in your blind spot. So you can make your maneuvers safely.

Obey the signs: It is essential to completely stop your vehicle at traffic lights or stop signs, and not exceed the crosswalk or stop line. When you cross a crosswalk where a pedestrian is involved, you must give way. Of course, it is also important to respect the speed limits at all times.

Pay attention to the bus: You should exercise caution when approaching a school bus. You must not cross or pass a bus with the lights or the stop signal is activated. You must instead you stop at a distance of about 5 meters from the vehicle and wait until it arranges its lights and switches on again.

Summer: Pay particular attention to pedestrians, children playing, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Winter: You may come across less than pedestrians, but you must pay attention to snow removal vehicles. You will also drive more slowly than usual, especially when the road is very slippery.

Whatever the situation where you are, always remember to be courteous to other motorists and pedestrians and other road users. Try to stay calm and patience while driving, and always be cautious.   


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